
  • Libanio Cardoso Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE)



Hölderlin, Tragedy, Nature


The article examines an epistle excerpt by Friedrich Hölderlin concerning the notion of Nature, having in sight the introduction of his conception of tragic. Such Hölderlin’s concept is, so, connected to those of Necessary and Whole, titles that found the metaphysical determination of Freedom. For the presentation of the proposed conceptual appropriation, it is observed, at first, Diderot’s position on dramatic arts, whose horizon seems to be aesthetic-pedagogical, being the natural conceived as a means and submitted to morals. Notes on the “necessary” concept, in Aristotle, are linked to the concept of Whole, and are used as connection to interprete Nature in the examined missive. If the latter is referred to the Whole, then human’s body and life are natural under the eyes of their pertaining to the first – the thruth of the organic, such as the unity of meaning of human life lies in the connection with Nature, conceived as metaphysical wholiness. The tragic wil be shown, therefore, as unifying dynamics of the Whole; and the tragedy, as the showing of this unity facing the rupture of the consigned meaning center of the “hero”.


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Author Biography

Libanio Cardoso, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE)

Departamento de Filosofia - UNIOESTE (PR)



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