
  • Valmir Pereira Universidade Estadual da Paraiba.



Epistemicide, White academy, African Philosophy, Multiepistemic University, Philosophical Bubble


This article analyses the African philosophy situation in the academy and the ways it is treated. Therefore, the intent of this study is to present the academic space in Brazil as an expression of the European thought, ethnically white, although the academic community is made of different ethnicities. After, we will introduce the consequences of the westernization in philosophy and their ramifications for the multiple ways of knowledge production that are silenced by the colonized minds. At last, we will approach the ways of resistance and theoretical dispute to implement the different standards of philosophical conceptions, invisible in the white academy. As result, this research points to different ways of emancipation and dissemination of other epistemologies, despite the silent epistemicide in University. Following, we conclude the necessary transformation of curriculum, so the university can be multiepistemic with different approaches in philosophy, beyond the white academy.


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Author Biography

Valmir Pereira, Universidade Estadual da Paraiba.

Departamento de Filosofia, com atuação na área de Filosofia da Educação; Ensino de Filosofia; Descolonização Curricular; Filosofia Africana; Marxismo e Educação; Políticas Educacionais.


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