
  • Adriana Alves de Lima Lopes Universidade Estadual do Piauí - UESPI/Parnaíba



Internship, Philosophy, Teaching


This text aims to highlight the relevance of the supervised internship in philosophy. For this, against an instrumentalist view of teaching, we start from the assumption that the teaching of philosophy requires an interconnection between theory and practice, in which teacher education requires an openness to philosophy, based on the experience of philosophizing as a problematizing activity. From this perspective, we understand that it is also up to the philosophy teacher to ‘put himself in the world’, in the understanding that the teaching of philosophy also requires a creative reflection of reality, as an intermediary between language and the world. Thus, we divided the present article into two parts: the first presents an analysis of the definition of stage as reflective practice and philosophical activity; the second links teacher education in the proposal of philosophy teaching as interdisciplinary and dialogical.


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Dossiê especial – EM DEFESA DA FILOSOFIA