
  • Lucas Machado Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
  • Luiz Filipe da Silva Oliveira UFRGS



Schulze, Hegel, Schelling, Identity Philosophy, Reflection


In our paper, we make a brief presentation and contextualization of Schulze's text, of which we present here a translation, “Aphorisms about the absolute”, where he develops, in an ironic style - or, in the words of Vieweg, pseudo-ironic -, his critique of the philosophies of identity Schelling and Hegel. In our exposition, we aim to point out, in the first place, how the reception of this text by Schelling and Hegel was quite different - so that it begins to bring their disagreements about philosophy and the philosophical method to the surface, which were hidden before in favor of their adherence to a similar philosophical project in its more general lines. Second, we examine which are the conceptual elements discussed in Schulze's text that would be central to the understanding of this philosophical and methodological divergence between Schelling and Hegel, and which will culminate in their definitive rupture with the publication of the Phenomenology of Spirit - conceptual elements that we believe can be found, particularly, in the treatment of the concepts of form, matter (or content) and determination. More specifically: in the objection raised by Schulze that any conception of the absolute based on the concepts of form and content could only be a relative conception, since not only the distinction between content and form is merely formal, but also any content, thought in its distinction and opposition to form, can only be relative and, therefore, formal content. This criticism, we will conclude, will be decisive for the way in which Hegel will come to think of the absolute not only as a substance, but also as a subject.


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