
  • Fernando Fontoura UNISINOS



Lucifer, System, Social hierachy, Agamben, Institutionalization


The systematization and institutionalization of practical social life through controls is carried out by professionals or bureaucrats in the system. What is the role of these bureaucrats and professionals and what system above them do they respond to? And what is the effect that this system and these intermediaries have on our individual and social freedom? This is a subject that Michel Foucault and, nowdays, Giorgio Agamben explore in their research and books. We will address this issue here under the inspiration of an excerpt by Giorgio Agamben in his book The Kingdom and Glory and we will give a direction at the same time metaphorical, with the angelic hierarchy and with the fall of Lucifer to hell, but also real, showing alternatives in life. The goal with this is to show how to escape the current system through a “new world” where possibilities to realize and live our freedoms differently can be realized. For that, we will not make predictions or fictional or utopian alternatives, but realistic and that are already active in some small areas of thought and social actions in the world.


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FOUCAULT, Michel. Nascimento da Biopolítica: curso dado no Collège de France (1978-1979). Trad. Eduardo Brandão; revisão tradução Cláudia Berliner, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2008.

ILLICH, Ivan. O Direito ao Desemprego Criador: a decadência da idade profissional. Trad. Joaquim Campelo Marques, Andaluzia: Editorial Alhambra, 1978.

ILLICH, Ivan. Sociedade sem Escolas. Trad. Lúcia Mathilde Endlich Orth, Petrópolis: Vozes, 1985.

PARIJS, Philippe Van; VANDERBORGHT, Yannick. Basic Income: a radical proposal for a free society and a sane economy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2017.

SKIDELSKY, Robert; SKIDELSKY, Edward. Quanto é Suficiente? O amor pelo dinheiro e a defesa da boa vida. Trad. Vera Caputo, Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2017.




