
  • Tiago do Rosário Silva Instituto Federal da Paraíba-IFPB



Plato, Soul, Phaedo


Investigating the nature of the soul, for may scholars, seems to be the central theme of the Phaedo. Although it is difficult to deny this position, it is not exclusive to the Platonic interest in this dialogue. Beside it, and as a way of understanding the paths to undertake an explanation of the nature of the soul, it is necessary to also seek to understand its relationship with the know. The theme of the soul serves as a guiding thread for the dialogue. In this sense, this work will focus mainly on the question of the soul. Given the need to undertake a study of the Platonic approach to psyché, a division is made to understand the meanings that can be extracted from the analysis of both the soul in Greek culture and in Plato's work. Therefore, this work, a partial result of the author's master's research, will address the meanings of: life, the eschatological, physiological, psychological, and ethical sense, as well as a perspective of the unity of the soul gained by the epistemological conception.


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