



Philosophy, Greek, Devotion


In this article, the objective is, based on a study of the Letter to Mencedus, to describe what Epicurus understands by eusebeia. Diogenes Laercio, in Lives and Doctrines of the Illustrious Philosophers, has translated texts that we will be studying here in order to deal with the proposal of this article.  In a specific way, his doctrine of atoms is well grounded to understand his philosophy about the gods. This is a literature-based research, characterizing this work as a literature review. It is developed from two moments, namely about the wise life and about piety for the philosopher. Regarding the wise life, we have the attachment in the garden to friendship and wisdom. The practice of philosophy. The second part works on the idea that Epicurus teaches not to fear the gods. In view of these presentations it is possible to conclude that devotion to the gods is closely related to the praxis of a philosopher, that is, the happy life.


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