
  • Andrés Tapia Domínguez Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



Decolonial movement, Rationality, Technological totalization, Instinct of play, Cosmotechnics


In this text I intend to address the paradigm of capitalist modernity from the perspective of technique, linking (neo)coloniality with the phenomenon of technological totalization. My purpose with this is to maintain that, in order to concretize a decolonial movement, it is essential to decolonize technology, since it is considered as the support of thought. In this sense, critical thinking should be oriented towards the mythical and rational paradigms that the same technique/technology brings with it in its own structure. For this, I develop in three parts: (1) a brief genealogy of the problem of “mutilated rationality”, based on critical theory; (2) the relationship between modernity and technological totalization, relying mainly on the theoretical framework of Yuk Hui and his concept of "cosmotechnics"; and (3) the proposal of a possible way out of the problem, suggesting that through F. Schiller's “instinct of play” is the key to reappropriate modern technique, freeing it from its imposed paradigms.


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