




We seek to establish in this study the necessary relationships between sustainability and alterity, with contributions to the Greater Area of Human Sciences. This article situates the discussion of human rights in the set of current socio-environmental issues. We start from the hypothesis that the return to alterity has expanded the concept of socio-environmental sustainability and the epistemic value of memory rights.  The objective is to establish a critical reading of the modern commitment of the human sciences with the epistemological fracture of modernity, in search of a conception of sustainability integrated with the history of liberation of peoples. It is understood that the relations between sustainability and alterity underlie the discussion of human rights in the socio-environmental agenda of the 21st century. We carried out a philosophical briefing on the relations between sustainability and alterity in response to the ontological forms of life inherited from global capitalism. We concluded that socio-environmental confrontation requires foundations of interculturality for a new ethics of human rights.


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