Neuroscience, Scientism, Philosophy of Language, Neurolinguistics, SemanticsAbstract
Science is an important form of knowledge, which has had a marked influence on philosophical thought. The reflection about the unavoidability of science and the best way to use scientific findings, preventing possible biases, acquires great relevance. Since the impressive advances of neuroscience related to language processing, several possibilities for reflection on the philosophical consectaries of the scientific findings in this area have been made available. However, this interaction should be careful, avoiding misrepresentations and risks sometimes present in such interdisciplinary relations. One of the most relevant points in neurolinguistics - the branch of neuroscience applied to language - is the one that deals with the characteristics and differences in the way language is processed among children in early childhood and among young people or adults. These neurolinguistic peculiarities can be compared with some theoretical constructs of the philosophy of language. Such confrontation is opportunity for a virtuous synergism, as long as one avoids using science as a so-called court of validation. It follows that some more refined tendencies related to the theory of meaning, from both mentalist and non-mentalist traditions, can be correlated and, in some ways, harmonized in the face of scientific evidence.
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