
  • Ana Monique Moura Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN)



Body, Corporeality, Criticism, Criticality, Reason


We take from Kant's four important works, they are: Observations On The Feeling Of The Beautiful And The Sublime (1764), Answer To The Question “What is Enlightenment” (1783), Critique of Practical Reason (1788) and Critique Of The Faculty of Judgment (1790). In these Kant's writings, we capture some parts in which the philosopher makes some important reflections on the body. In the first work, Kant does so from the perspective of attention to the sexual binomial, in the second, in the second text, he proposes the concept of “beautiful sex” when referring to women, in the third work, he thinks of the body in its affection moral and, in the last work, he invokes the position of the body in the contemplative experience of nature or art and also according to its teleology. Here we want to discuss how the theme of the body, from these different perspectives, is committed, or not, with the theme of reason and criticality as a human and social practice in possible developments.


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Author Biography

Ana Monique Moura, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN)

Professora no departamento de Filosofia do Campus Caicó da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). Doutorado em Filosofia pela UFPB/HGB, Alemanha.


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ESPECIAL – O filósofo do Sertão: homenagem ao prof. Edmilson Alves de Azevêdo