


Transhumanism, Eugenics, Genetic therapy, Technique


With the aim of identifying the contributions of contemporary philosophy to the discussion about technological development and its ethical impacts, this paper analyzes the historical advancements of technology and the concept of eugenics. It also explores how modern technology evolves and becomes the foundation for the emergence of transhumanism and its utilization of contemporary techniques. The work delves into the perspectives of Hans Jonas and Hannah Arendt, both students of Heidegger, as they discuss the implications of technological development and its consequences for society. It further examines how eugenics, in its early years, promoted prejudices and earned genetic engineering a negative reputation. Subsequently, the paper presents how genetic therapies have contributed to demystifying the concept of eugenics and genetic manipulation over the past years. Moreover, it explores the impact of the discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 on the development of the transhumanist philosophical movement, analyzing and demonstrating how it sparks a significant debate on ethics and the need for establishing solid foundations for technological advancement, which are essential for grounding this current in the world.


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