


Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Historiography of science, Social approach to science, Evolution and science, Science and language


The article discusses the legacy of Kuhn’s work on the 60th anniversary of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. After an initial approach to Kuhn’s presence in the historiography of science, Kuhn’s relations with Popper’s philosophy of science and the sociology of scientific knowledge of the Edinburgh School’s strong program are addressed. Finally, the main aspects of Kuhn’s legacy for the historiography of science are highlighted, namely the social approach to science, the analogy between knowledge and evolution and the importance of language in producing scientific knowledge. The text concludes with the idea that we will still be Kuhnians for a long time to come, not only because we are echoing the legacy of Kuhn’s masterpiece, which is now 60 years old, but above all because we can still follow the paths he pointed out, but which, unfortunately, due to his untimely death, he was unable to follow.


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