


Michel Foucault, Merleau-Ponty, Phenomenology, Archeology, Subject


This paper examines the philosophical relationship between Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Michel Foucault, exploring the apparent opposition between their phenomenological and archaeological approaches. Initially, the paper highlights Merleau-Ponty's perspective on the Phenomenology of Perception and contrasts it with Foucault's archaeological discourse, examining his rejection of an analysis grounded in an originating subject. Foucault criticizes phenomenology, underscoring his refusal to adopt a view that anchors history in the subject. Moreover, the paper explores the phenomenological analysis, demonstrating the extent to which Foucault distanced himself from this conception. Reflecting on a possible reconciliation, the paper argues that certain foundations of Foucault's archaeological description, suggesting a potential convergence, can be found in Merleau-Ponty's proposals for phenomenology. The investigation extends to revisit Foucault's allusions to Merleau-Ponty, emphasizing nuances in the intellectual interactions between the two thinkers. Going beyond a historical narrative, the essay seeks to elucidate philosophical convergences and divergences, meticulously analyzing the modulations of their approaches concerning the issues of the subject, object, and subjectivity.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Ruiz da Silva, University of Warwick | Monash University

Bacharel em Filosofia (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil). Doutorando em Filosofia pela University of Warwick (Reino Unido) e pela Monash University (Austrália). Bolsista da Monash-Warwick Alliance. Membro do "Grupo de Pesquisa Michel Foucault" (CNPq/ Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brasil). 


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