


Nietzsche, Happiness, Laughter, Creation, Philosophical


This article will endeavor to demonstrate, following the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and his work The Gay Science (1882), The joy is a theme of paramount importance in the nietzschean thought, since it appears constantly throughout his theoretical production and is consistent with other key elements of his thought, such as the tragic and the will to power. The joy and the laugh emerge as counterpoint to the rigid and dogmatic structures of thought, such as metaphysics and Christianity, that sustained the most part western thought. Nietzsche develops a philosophy that congregate the joy and the laugh as way of affirmative thought, that is able to accept the vicissitudes of life and still to create other ways of being and acting in the world. The philosopher evokes the power of laugh as inciter an autonomous philosophical thought without excluding the tragicity that makes up existence. Thus, after addressing the question of joy, we will think how is its incidence in a body that is life, creation and laugh.


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