
  • Elisete Medianeira Tomazetti UFSM



Philosophy Teaching, Didactics of Philosophy, Philosophy Graduation Course, Formative Orientation


The ideas that compose the following article were presented, by its author, in the VII Meeting of the Work Group: ANPOF - Philosophize and teach to philosophize, realized in august 2023, in Santa Maria Federal University, in the thematic board: Philosophy Teaching and Didactics’ of Philosophy: proximations and estrangements. Also took place in these board the professor Laura Agratti, from Mar del Prata University, Argentina and the professor Geraldo Balduíno Horn, from Paraná Federal University, (by videoconference). Thereby, this article analyses the didactic of philosophy as knowledge and as subject, also highlighting some conditions that allowed the emergence of certain relations between Philosophy and Teaching, as well as between Philosophy and Didactics (General and Philosophical), in specific moments of Brazilian educational history. The studies from the professor Laura Agratti (2008a; 2008b), dedicated to identify and problematize the changes that occur in the ways of conceive the formation of philosophy teachers in Argentina, from the XX century, were the inspiration source for the ideas here presented. Therefore, as a partial result from our investigation, we present and problematize in the final section of the article three orientations the has been sustaining the philosophy teacher’s formation for high school in Brazil. Are they: didactics orientation, philosophical didactic orientation and the fundamental orientation, also known as – Philosophy of the Philosophy Teaching.



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