


Experience, Philosophy with Children, Philosophy for Children, Childhood


This text comes from a paper given at the event "VII National Meeting of the ANPOF WG Philosophizing and Teaching to Philosophize: thinking the field, philosophizing teaching", which took place in 2023 in Santa Maria, RS. The writing deals with elements of our Master's research in Education, which is still in progress, and deals with some interlocutions between philosophy, childhood and education, three powers that, when articulated, legitimize the participation of children as producers of philosophy. Due to the breadth of the research, the section here highlighted the question about the possibilities of the experience of thought in the school practice of philosophy with children. Based on bibliographical research, the concepts of children and childhood were presented descriptively, with the aim of developing some arguments about the signs of thought experience in philosophical practice with children at school. The partial conclusions obtained show that the experience of thinking in the practice of philosophy with children occurs in the encounter with elements that drive children's thinking. The study highlights the importance of thinking about ways to strengthen the defense of philosophy and its relationship with children and childhoods.


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