The Nexus Between Security and Development in Brazil and Denmark in the Light of the 2030 Agenda




This article aims to analyze the relationship between security and development through the comparison between Brazil and Denmark considering the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. Therefore, the Human Development Index (HDI) and eight social indexes were analyzed: income inequality, hunger, mental health, suicide, happiness, education, crime and violence, through statistical data and specialized bibliography on the topics. The main finding was that security and development are closely connected, the success in education goes beyond the amount of investment made by a country, and although Denmark is a success story, both countries face serious difficulties regarding the mental health of young population.


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Author Biography

Isabella Monteiro Valentim, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Estudante do oitavo período de Relações Internacionais na Universidade de Brasília. Participou de dois projetos de extensão universitária: Americas Model United Nations (AMUN), como diretora de Logística e Sustentabilidade da 21ª edição do evento; e AMUN Kids, como professora em escola da rede pública do Distrito Federal, trabalhando com o desenvolvimento de oficinas e atividades culturais para o público infantil. Foi monitora da disciplina de Teoria das Relações Internacionais I. Ademais, exerce estágio no Departamento de Negociações Internacionais (DEINT) do Ministério da Economia.



How to Cite

Valentim, I. M. (2020). The Nexus Between Security and Development in Brazil and Denmark in the Light of the 2030 Agenda. Journal of Scientific Initiation on International Relations, 7(13), 112–142.


