Padrão etário de recrutamento do Estado Islâmico da Síria e do Iraque

Caso dos filhotes do Califado


  • Pedro Henrique Ferreira da Silva Centro Universitário Claretiano


The article has the objective to analize the diferent kinds of stance between islamic organizations with a definied objetive of conquer territories and those with the desire to free your territory of a foreign occupation can influence in the recruitment of boys and girls. Based on quantitative data about the age of some members of islamic groups and some documents about the child rights and child soldiers, the focus will be on studying the ISIS due to its objectives in the long run. Therefore, in the conclusion it can realize that a major presence of childs in the ISIS is related to an idea of building a Caliphate, which is a long-term project.

Key words: terrorism; ISIS; recruitment; child soldiers.


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How to Cite

Ferreira da Silva, P. H. (2023). Padrão etário de recrutamento do Estado Islâmico da Síria e do Iraque: Caso dos filhotes do Califado. Journal of Scientific Initiation on International Relations, 10(19), 55–69. Retrieved from


