Fragmentos cortantes e reflexivos do Eu
investigações sobre o duplo/espelho na psicanálise e em Saramago
Duplo, Imagem especular, Espelho, Narciso, SaramagoAbstract
In psychoanalysis, Otto Rank exposes a very significant work for the studies of the subject's duplicity, since he makes use of fantastic films and narratives to exemplify the thesis of the “double”. Thus, the double, in literature, is quite recurrent, as it appears in profuse rags, as it corresponds to the protagonist's own image. In this corollary, we will focus on José Saramago's The duplicated man (2002), in order to scrutinize the limp identity of the character Tertullian, who connects to the world, schizophrenic, and, consequently, identifies with the pieces of subjectivity that he inadvertently projects onto others, unrecognizable by virtue of the rational blindness that surrounds him. In the work, Professor Tertuliano Afonso, after watching a video whose content is (un)familiar to him, deliriously merges into an image that is identical to him. Therefore, we resort to psychoanalytic studies that postulate about the “double”, schizophrenia and other psychotic concussions, often developed in texts by Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan and Otto Rank.