The problem of the subject in Russian ideal-realism




personalidade, filosofía religiosa, estratégias cognitivas, Filosofía europeia, cultura


This study aims to solve the issue of subject and object in onto-gnoseological knowledge. The subject is revealed considering its inexhaustibility in the cognitive process. This concept correlates with such important features of Russian philosophical thought as pondering on the essence of personality, the status of truth, and its place in discourses on the cognitive process. The research methodology includes such methods as analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, which allows making valid interpretations of the foundations of the existing reality. An important method in the article is the historical-genetic approach. The article shows the transition in discourse from the issue of the subject to the topic of personality, which is an ontological concept and brings thought to the scope of freedom in the philosophical knowledge of the world. The paper demonstrates how Russian philosophy becomes ideal-realism, which combines the most important concepts of philosophical thought. This research can be used in further study of Russian philosophy. The analytics of such concepts as intuition, organic outlook, and discursive thought is presented, and the issue of personal expression of cognitive practices is raised, which expands the boundaries of the concept of the subject and makes a connection between epistemology and ontology. It shows how ideal-realism becomes the leading philosophical direction of its time, and its possibilities on the way to knowledge of the truth are also revealed.


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Biografia do Autor

Alexander Usachev, Bunin Yelets State University

Doctor of Philosophy, Docent at Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences at Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets, Russia.


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Como Citar

Usachev, A. (2022). The problem of the subject in Russian ideal-realism. Aufklärung: Journal of Philosophy, 9(1), p.67–76.


