Caíco’s fishing and local ecological knowledge of artisanal fishermen in the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, PE, Brazil
This research aimed to characterize the fishing activity of caicos in Fernando de Noronha to identify local needs and provide information to support the local fisheries administration. The data were collected through interviews with the aid of questionnaires and analyzed using citation percentage and exploratory graphs of average CPUE per variable (depth, moon phases and seasonality). The fishing activity of caíco is composed of 11 fishermen and 6 caícos, lasts approximately six hours, uses the hand line as gear and live sardine as bait. There were no significant differences in productivity due to seasonality, depths or moon phases, but the three variables showed an influence on the composition of the fisheries and the predominance of some species, corroborating the local ecological knowledge of the fishermen. Caico fishing provides a source of income and food for artisanal fishermen in Noronha. Due to the increase in the caico fishing fleet from 2014 onwards, it is necessary to monitor artisanal fishing Fernando de Noronha, in addition, information about autonomy, potential impacts and productivity achieved with these vessels, especially the capture of live baits are aspects to be analyzed for decision making related to local fisheries management.
- 2021-05-03 (2)
- 2021-04-15 (1)