Model for conceptual analysis on thesis and dissertations for the faceted taxonomy creation


  • Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos Maculan
  • Gercina Ângela Borém de Oliveira Lima


Modelo de Leitura Técnica, Análise conceitual, Indexação de documentos, Recuperação de informação.


This paper presents a Model of Technical Reading for systematization of the analysis of subject for indexing in documents, such as thesis and dissertations, for the identification of the representative concepts of its content. It is fruit of an ongoing research, which goal is to create a faceted taxonomy for browsing, as a search interface, aiming to aid representation, systematization and later information retrieval in thesis and dissertation digital libraries. The theoretical-methodological foundation for the development of this model adopted the studies of Fujita and Rubi (2006), in which a reading model for analysis of Biology research papers. The authors based the proposed model on the 12.676 Norm from the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (1992), on the methodology proposed by Kobashi (1994) for document indexation and on the PRECIS system (FUJITA, 2003) for the identification of concepts. Besides, two elements had been taken in consideration: 1) the final user, identified as the scientific community by domain analysis’ theory; and 2) the documents structure, such as thesis and dissertations, based in the Norm 14724:2005. The usage of this model aims in the subject analysis and minimize the occurrences of inconsistencies on the indexation of documents given by the partial result of the research.


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How to Cite

Maculan, B. C. M. dos S., & Lima, G. Ângela B. de O. (2011). Model for conceptual analysis on thesis and dissertations for the faceted taxonomy creation. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 21(3). Retrieved from



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