About the Journal

Welcome to Prim@ Facie, a non-profit journal of the Graduate Program in Law at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) located in João Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil. This electronic journal was founded in 2002 as a way for Master’s degree students to publish their work. Over time, as it became more and more used by scholars, the UFPB faculty, viewing the journal as an effective media for innovative research, decided to give it more attention. The program also inaugurated a doctorate course, becoming a reference for academic achievement in Law in North and Northeastern Brazil. In recent years, the journal has made improvements to its editorial standards to fit its objectives better. With a goal of reaching readers around the world, we strongly encourage submissions from abroad, especially from authors who promote social or political change. We seek the advancement of legal scholarship using transdisciplinary approaches based on such matters as human rights, legal history, environmental law, human development & economic growth. The journal features the double-blind peer review process of analysis in which numerous referees from Brazil and other parts of the world are required to give their opinions. The final selection decision is made by a board of executive editors, who conduct desk reviews and invite referees to advise them once a paper has passed the first step of evaluation. The executive editors make the final decisions. Executive editors are mainly university lecturers working with graduate students as assistants. An Advisory Board, mostly composed of international experts, contributes to the high quality of the publication. Fellow members with appropriate qualifications are invited to collaborate in the project.


Atualização das DIRETRIZES PARA AUTORES da Prim@ Facie, Revista do PPGCJ, UFPB


Prim@ Facie, Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Jurídicas da UFPB, informa aos autores, avaliadores e a toda a comunidade acadêmica de leitores interessados na nossa produção que atualizamos as "Diretrizes para Autores" que orientam o processo de submissão dos trabalhos.

A equipe editorial, atenta às boas práticas editoriais para a submissão dos trabalhos, reformulou alguns pontos importantes nas regras de submissão e nas guias de direcionamento para autores que deverão ser seguidas por todos os interessados em publicar conosco.

Assim, convidamos a todos a lerem a seção SUBMISSÕES

Read more about Atualização das DIRETRIZES PARA AUTORES da Prim@ Facie, Revista do PPGCJ, UFPB

Current Issue

Vol. 22 No. 50 (2023): Prim@Facie, Revista do PPGCJ, UFPB - Quadrimestral 2, maio- ago. 2023
					View Vol. 22 No. 50 (2023):  Prim@Facie, Revista do PPGCJ, UFPB - Quadrimestral 2, maio- ago. 2023

Prim@Facie, Revista do PPGCJ, UFPB - N.º 50, vol. 22, Quadrimestral 2, maio- ago. 2023

Editorial: Direitos Humanos, Reflexões digitais e Tributação Justa -
Prof. Dr. Jailton Macena de Araújo –PPGCJ, UFPB, João Pessoa-PB,
Profa. Dra. Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros Costa –PPGCJ, UFPB, João
Pessoa-PB, Brasil

Published: 2024-02-23
View All Issues

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