As máscaras de “proteção” como passaporte para quebra do isolamento social em uma cidade do interior de Pernambuco


  • Heytor Queiroz Marques Universidade Federal da Paraíba - Pós-Graduação em Antropologia



This report has as its starting point the observation of the use of protective masks, at the time of a pandemic, from a city in the interior of the State of Pernambuco. With the installation of the pandemic and social isolation, I used the few trips to the supermarket to make an observation of the use of a protective mask, as it called my attention that during the pandemic the mandatory use of this type of protection in order to reduce cases of infection with the corona virus, in fact provided greater freedom to come. In the interior perspective, the masks are passports for breaking the isolation, not only to carry out the essential activities, but on a recurring basis, thus transforming the item into a protagonist during the pandemic, because from the use of the masks it is possible to see the distinction of the before and when the corona virus is present.



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