On Ethical Fundamentalisms


  • Otacílio Gomes da Silva Neto




Fundamentalism, fanaticism, ethics


The history involves diverse types of fundamentalism. This article highlights a variety of ethical fundamentalist thoughts that marked humanity and were challenged by thinkers and intellectuals. The fundamentalism originates in the interpretation of doctrines isolated from their historical context and without room for criticism. As understood in the entry in Voltaire´s Dictionnaire philosophique_(1752), fundamentalism is closely related to fanaticism. The practice of interpreting any one doctrine as containing a single fundamental truth can result in a type of blindness that impedes the ability to observe reality with a critical spirit. Certain modern thinkers generally associate fundamentalism with religion and hold it responsible for great human tragedy._ However, fundamentalism unrelated to religion was also spread and likewise caused insurmountable damage to human life. Fundamentalism is defined in the following terms: philosophical, scientific, totalitarian and economic. In as much as one tries to identify and denounce fundamentalism, it seems that it continues to appear in the course of human relations. Whenever critics stand against determined fanaticisms, others will arise to be denounced._ This discussion might be considered trivial if the current state of affairs did not threaten human life, and if predictions were favorable for the life of our species on this planet.


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Author Biography

Otacílio Gomes da Silva Neto

Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia pela UFPB-UFRN-UFPE. Possui graduação em Filosofia (2003) e Mestrado em Filosofia (2005), ambos pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Professor de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba-UEPB.


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How to Cite

Silva Neto, O. G. da. (2014). On Ethical Fundamentalisms. Aufklärung, 1(1), p.131–136. https://doi.org/10.18012/arf.2016.18504