Revaluing nature based in Vittorio Hösle and Friedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis)




Dualism, ecology, Hösle, nature, Novalis, syncriticism


We aim to present Friedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis) (1772-1801) as a precursor of ecological thought, observing how he values nature in his thought, as a result of a constant attempt to overcome Fichtean dualism by means of poetry, through the study of natural sciences and also by means of the study of Plotinus’ philosophy. We observe that Novalis tries, with partial success, to modify his Philosophy, evolving from a subjective idealism in the Fichtean fashion towards a syncriticism (a synthesis between idealism and realism), recognizing both nature and human consciousness’s importance. This kind of thought, analog to the “objective idealism” of Vittorio Hösle (1960-) in his Philosophy of Ecological Crisis: Muscovite Conferences (1991) is more compatible with ecology, recognizing human being as part of nature, not only as something apart from it. Although the German-Italian philosopher recognizes Schelling and Hegel as endowed with such attitude, we add Novalis as a representative of this way of doing philosophy.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Almeida Assumpção, Universidade Federal de Mnas Gerais / Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

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How to Cite

Assumpção, G. A. (2021). Revaluing nature based in Vittorio Hösle and Friedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis). Aufklärung, 8(3), p.131–138.