Characteristics physical and chemical and bioactive compounds in the umbu cajá in two stages of maturation


  • Francinalva Cordeiro de Sousa IFAL
  • Luzia Marcia de Melo Silva IFAL
  • Inácia dos Santos Moreira ufcg
  • Deise de Souza Castro
  • Analha Dyalla Feitosa Lins
  • Ana Paula Trindade Rocha
  • Ernane Nogueira Nunes


The Northeast region is a natural cradle of tropical and exotic fruits. The umbu-cajazeira, in the northeastern region has potential for cultivation and marketing perspective, what this work aimed to evaluate the physical, chemical and physico-chemical pulp of fresh fruit in two ripening stages. With the pulp can produce various products such as juices with high pulp content, powdered juice, ice cream, candy, jelly, jam, mixed drinks. The processing of the fruit has been a viable alternative to favor the reduction of losses for being a perishable product and add value to by-products, as well as generating income for small farmers. The results showed that the semimaduros fruits had higher total acidity, pH and lower content of soluble solids and reducing sugars, however these fruits showed in their chemical constitution greater results for flavonoids, vitamin C and condensed tannins, showing that the harvest should be performed at this stage of maturation, favoring the marketing process guaranteed nutritional quality. hese results demonstrate the antioxidant capacity of fruits umbu-caja.


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How to Cite

CORDEIRO DE SOUSA, F.; DE MELO SILVA, L. M.; DOS SANTOS MOREIRA, I.; DE SOUZA CASTRO, D.; FEITOSA LINS, A. D.; TRINDADE ROCHA, A. P.; NOGUEIRA NUNES, E. Characteristics physical and chemical and bioactive compounds in the umbu cajá in two stages of maturation. Gaia Scientia, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.



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