Call for papers for Volume 25, n.1, 2023. Dossier Literature on dictatorships in the Southern Cone


Graphos welcomes submission for a thematic issue on the literature of the Southern Cone – Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile – addressing authoritarianism and its connections with other totalitarian discourses in essay and in fiction. We will be accepting papers dealing both with the diverse ways state-nations with strong authoritarian evolution have approached aesthetically the exercise of writing, as well as articles that are divergent or opposed to them. Thus, we welcome studies centered in aesthetic forms, focusing on their authoritative nature or aimed at strengthening collective memory and culture democratization, either demystifying or allowing space to the expansion of individual conscience and to social mobilization. Historic and social science essays addressing the imagery strategies used by the heritage of authoritarianism and making procedures utilized in the democratization process visible may be submitted. Examples include the role of publicity in the formation and consolidation of a civil society model; and aesthetic and ideological criteria supporting the formulation of a new literary canon and its diffusion both in the media and in the education system curricula. Furthermore, the review of authoritarianism in the belles lettres through national literatures critical histories and through editorial consecration actions, both permissive and critical with totalitarian regimes’ legal and economic guidelines, highlighting reader formation policies.

Editors: Leonardo Senkman (Universidade Hebraica de Jerusalém –UHJ) and María del Pilar Roca Escalante (Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB)  

Submission period: from 01/12/2022* to 10/02/2023
(*) Submissions made before this date will be automatically refused.

Publication forecast: 30/04/2023