Correio das modas e Novo correio das modas: ways to be women in Lisbon in Rio de aneiro and the nineteenth century


  • Fabiana SENA
  • Antonio Roberto Seixas da CRUZ


Journal, Woman, Eight hundred


The present work aims to make visible the representation of women in newspapers Correio das modas (1807), published in Lisbon and the Novo Correio das Modas (1854), published in Rio de Janeiro. Although there are periods of distinction and origin of the newspapers, there was a common way to write and publish their own stories of the day, which allows closer relations between Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro to place the communication network that was among them. To this end, these newspapers were analyzed from the perspective of the New Cultural History, which has considered the uses of writing as a very significant source for understanding how communities and individuals construct their representations of the world and invest them with meaning. Correio das modas and Novo Correio das Modas were for women, and also submit their materialities distinct similarities both periodic point to guide your readers on ways and means to be a woman on both sides of the Atlantic. In this sense, the papers mentioned above offered to readers of the Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro, at different times, instructions on the home life while having fun through the various literary genres in the nineteenth century.


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