O quê Christine de Pizan nos faz pensar


  • Ana Míriam WUENSCH


Christine of Pisan, City of Ladies, Women’s Condition, History of Philosophy


Reading The City of Ladies puzzles first degree university students who are not used to consider women writers in the history of philosophy. This work deals with the reception of the major work of Christine de Pizan in the context of an undergraduate course in philosophy at the University of Brasilia (UnB) in 2012. While lecturing a course on Pizan’s book, I was concerned with the question of how this book provokes a philosophical reflection that considers women philosophers in the history, both within the context of Pizan and outside it. In particular, I was interested in the formulation of the problem of misogyny in her work and how her argumentative and allegorical strategy in defence of feminine virtues and the plurality of woman’s condition. In this article, I present some philosophical considerations concerning Pizan’s book. (A subsequent work deals with her literary strategies.)


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