Da santificação do nome divino ao libelo de sangue: interações entre judeus e cristãos no período das cruzadas


  • Sergio Alberto FELDMAN


Medieval West, Judaism, Christianity, traditions


The article intends to analyze the Christian-Jewish relations in the context of the Crusades, the medieval West Christendom , to understand the origin of Jewish ritual sacrifice called sanctification of the Divine Name (Kiddush ha Shem) and the accusation of Jewish ritual murder. The focus of the analysis is the issue of blood that is wide and has its roots in the origins of each of the religions. The bulge of the theme is the interaction between two religions, trying to isolate and maintain his group impermeable to another, but in practice, one influences each other. The process culminates with the stigmatization of Jews and a tendency to associate them to the field of malignity.


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