A memória como matéria prima para uma identidade: apontamentos teóricos acerca das noções de memória e identidade


  • Mariana Jantsch Souza


Memory, Identity, Narrative memories


This article discusses the relationship between memory and identity starting from a sociological perspective and turning to the memorial narratives. To recollect is much more than bringing the past into the present, it is about an instrument for reassessments, revisions, self-analysis, self-knowledge and its in this path that the memory reaches the identity, being a key factor in its (re) construction. Memory and identity join themselves in the discourse to the extent that both are discursive constructions. By narrating himself, the subject mobilizes its arsenal of experiences; sets in motion all that constitutes himself to construct a narrative of himself and consolidate a new I. This narration rearranges the experiences and meanings, making arise an I anchored in this new order. This approach of memory and identity notions finds theoretical support in the works of Joel Candau, Henri Bergson, Maurice Halbwachs, Beatriz Sarlo, Michel Pollak, Stuart Hall, Nestor Canclini, Jacques Le Goff.


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