Mística feminina – escrita e transgressão


  • Maria Simone Marinho NOGUEIRA UEPB


Medieval mysticism, Women, Transgression


In this article we intend to approach the thought of some women with regard to their writings ranging from philosophy, spirituality and transgression. So, we have as perspective the fact that these women are "female souls" at a time when they could not preach, teach or write, especially that preached, taught and wrote. Soon, theirs voices and theirs writings sound like some kind of a triple transgression: gender transgression (even though it should not have the weight of the modern sense of the term); a transgression against the orthodoxy of the Church (when explicitly or covertly criticize some of their habits); and a transgression of the bounds of the relationship between the human and the divine (when the soul and God become one). Now, if the writings of these women cause us surprise these days, not only by the experience that they reflect, but also, as some say scholars, by rooting a solid fund of knowledge; What about the reaction of many of his contemporaries: a astonishment that some considered wonderful and others, dangerous. However, the history of female writing should not be read only as the story of a transgression, as it can draw from the texts, too, the rewrite of a passion. A passion that has as the sacred horizon, in different ways and by different expressions, tracks the history of humanity. In this sense, we can say that the "female writing" of Medieval philosophy shows up, apart from the story of a transgression, the story of a passion for the divine.


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