Uma releitura do passado português: a edição 1699 da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (1639-1640)


  • Luciano José VIANNA


historical meaning, recent historiographical tendencies, Medieval Portugal


The aim of this article is to show some conclusions about our research as researcher of the Programa Nacional de Pós-Doutorado (PNPD/CAPES). One of the sources analysed in our research is the historiographical object Vida y hechos heroicos del condestable de Portugal D. Nuño Alvares Pereyra Conde de Barcelos, by Rodrigo Méndez Silva (1607-1670), composed between the end of 1639 and the half of 1640, and pressed in 1640. From the recent theoretical and methodological proposes about the medieval historiography afford by the New Medievalism, New Philology, and the New Historicism, we analysed this object from his context of composition. In this sense, we applied the theoretical references of the studies from Hayden White, Gabrielle M. Spiegel, and Roger Chartier, with the aim of to make singular this object and understand it in his particularities. In the end, we look for his historical meaning, that is, the motive of the composition of this object in a specific context.


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