Persuading and teaching Neoptolemus: Odysseus' rhetoric in the prologue of Sophocles Philoctetes


  • Mateus Dagios UFRGS


Odysseus, Neoptolemus, Rhetoric, Métis, Sophistry


This paper aims to discuss Odysseus’ rhetoric in the prologue of Sophocles’ tragedy Philoctetes. The central position of Neoptolemus is examined to demonstrate how persuading him is the goal of Odysseus’ rhetoric. The article is composed by two sections: in the first one, “Odysseus’ métis: paths of rhetorical operability”, we discuss métis as the organizing principle of Odysseus’ speech, a basis for his persuasive tactics. In the second section, “Persuading and teaching Neoptolemus”, we analyze Odysseus’ arguments in the prologue and how he presents the power of speech in opposition to the use of force, making Neoptolemus discover rhetoric as an important tool in politics to direct people’s actions. Focusing on the prologue, we examine Odysseus’ role as a sophistic teacher of the arts of persuasion.

Keywords: Odysseus. Neoptolemus. Rhetoric. Métis. Sophistry.


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