Livy and the characterization of the gaul as the enemy in the Ab vrbe condita (vii, 9-10, 26; xxxviii, 17)


  • Priscilla Adriane Ferreira Almeida UFMG


Livy, Gaul, Enemy, Characterization, Inferiority


Livy, contemporary of Augustus, has written a monumental work entitled Ab Vrbe condita. The text described annually the events of Rome since its mythical foundation until the days of the author. As a fundamental part of the history of the Vrbs’ consolidation, there is a description of numerous confronts and wars between Romans and their enemies. In the archaic period of Rome (approached in the first decade of the Ab Vrbe condita), the Gauls were highlighted as the great opponents of the city – especially in the events that led to the sack of Rome around 390 B.C. It is known that Livy has written his historical work with nationalist purposes, and many times he stressed Romans’ superiority above foreign nations. Livy assigned the supremacy of Rome to its divine and elevated origins, and he has used that argument to justify the Romans’ domain over other people. At the beginning of this paper, there is a discussion about the sources employed by Livy in his work, as well as the role of Cicero’s influence on the writing of the Ab Vrbe condita. Besides, there is the selection of some specific parts (VII, 9-10, 26 e XXXVIII, 17), that will be approached in-depth, to observe how Livy has constructed the Gauls’ image as enemies of Rome. For that purpose, there is an analysis about the stereotypes, words and clichés employed by Livy, and how he has manipulated these elements in order not only to describe the Gauls as enemies, but also as inferior to the Romans.


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