Amongst the vertical and horizontal lines of the teachings and pedagogical experiences of Anselm of Bec (1033-1109) and Guibert of Nogent (ca.1055-1125), master and disciple who lived, learned and taught long before the age of universities


  • Carlile Lanzieri Júnior Departamento de História da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Natalia Graciela Jakubecki Universidade de Buenos Aires


Anselm of Bec, Horizontal learning, Guibert of Nogent, Medieval education, Monasticism


The aim of this paper is to analyse the conviviality between masters and students. A horizontal approach is favoured instead of a hierarchical one that allows for highlighting not only socio-professional issues but chiefly the humanistic and contextual aspects of that relationship. The focus is on Guibert of Norgent’s and Anselm of Bec’s words, disciple and master who lived together for more than a decade at the Saint-Germer-de-Fly Abbey. Testimonies left by Guibert reveal an important part of his educational and existential proposal. However, Gilbert also added something by himself, something which he had learned from his own experiences. Yet, the epistolary testimonies left by Anselm show many tensions and uncertainties shared by the youth of that time, which allows us to posit that the history of education in the Middle Ages, mainly between the 11th and 12th centuries, should not be told as a whole of facts happened under a unanimous, linear and imposing thought. It should be taken into account anxieties, tensions, negotiations, setbacks and adaptations of the real people who gave rise to it.


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Author Biography

Carlile Lanzieri Júnior, Departamento de História da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Professor Adjunto C do Departamento de História e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFMT


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