The faces of Denis of Portugal: the imagectic construction of the sixth Portuguese king (1279-1325)



Denis of Portugal, Imaging Construction, Portugal, Good Memory, Political Imagery


The investigation that we present here, aims to analyze the imaginary and textual discourses, built around the figure of a king - D. Dinis -, highlighting the idea of ​​power that was tied to this construction. To do so, we seek to clarify the symbols that were intended to compose, propagate and sustain the potential aura impelled by elements that justify and consolidate the image that its creators sought to sustain, based on the works, by Peter Burke in The Fabrication of the King, Marc Bloch in The Taumaturgic Kings and Ernest Katorowicz in The Two Bodies of the King, among other literary and historiographical writings that have led us to develop reflections on the images created about the figure of this monarch, according to the interests of those who outlined  them. In this sense, one of the most exploited facets in a medieval monarchic context to sustain and propagate the image of a king, is linked to justice and wisdom, since these are highly efficient factors in their capacity for collective persuasion, which induces coreligionists and society to consider it unique in its time, to the point of corroborating for the creation of an atmosphere favorable to the remembrance of a good memory of that monarch or governmental leader.


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Author Biographies

Cleusa Teixeira Sousa, UFG

PhD in History from the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Goiás (2018). She did an internship with CAPES Scholarship for Doctorate Sandwich under the guidance of Professor Doctor Saul Antônio Gomes, where she worked as a visiting researcher at the University of Coimbra between the years 2017-2018. Master in History from the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Goiás; Specialist in Youth and Adult Education Integrated to Professional Education by UFG / IFG and Graduated in History (Licenciatura and Bacharelado) by the Faculty of History of the Federal University of Goiás (2002). He is a member of Sapientia: Laboratory of studies in the Middle and Modern Ages at UFG; researcher at the Center for History, Society and Culture - CHSC- FLUC. FLUC. She is currently a History teacher - Goiás State Department of Education (Elementary and High School). Acted as a distance tutor (on-line) of the Federal Government Program: Profuncionário / Programa E-tec, FNDE Scholarship (2015-2017). Taught the disciplines: Didactics, Practice and Teaching of History and History of Colony Brazil - UEG- Un. University of the City of Goiás (2012-2013). The focus of his research and intellectual productions has been centered, especially on themes related to: History Teaching; Medieval History; Brasil Colônia; Jewish History and Jewish Literature; History of New Christians; Medieval Portugal; Power relations; Maritime Contracting and Transition from Medieval to Modern Period.

Gilberto Cézar de Noronha, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Doutor em História pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU); professor do Instituto de História da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (INHIS/UFU). ORCID iD:


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