The capture of laughter in O romance do pavão misterioso



Fantastic Literature, Popular Literature, Poetry, Pavão Misterioso, Metamorphosis of the risible


The search for a concept, definition or characteristics has been promoted large part of literary studies, besides a tradition that mixes up to contemporality, thus that it does not view, contingently, only through adjectivization approaches, once it would simplify literature subjectiveness, taking its common language, in which is likely other non-poetic or figurative languages. On this way, the main objective of this article is analyzing the laugher that metamorphoses itself in the poem “O Romance do Pavão Misterioso”, by José Camelo de Melo Rezende, multiphasing itself on the tragic tune brought from Greek epic, comprehended in the poem through the geographic aspect and interdicted that disregard the risible as the first comic characteristic. The theoretic-critical articulation allowed the text reading, as an interface for (de)formation of humor, through dualities and/or antagonic propositions present on the fantastic narrative. On this perspective, the theoretic sources come from the initial premises by Tzvetan Todorov (2017) at Fantastic Literature, Vladímir Propp (2002) to recent considerations by David Roas (2014). Still on this context, it is important to point out the studies proposed by George Desmeules (1997), who approaches the category ambivalence to be analyzed. In conclusive lines, it intends to approximate the humor and the fantastic that shows themselves through reverses and changes which alter the risible senses.      


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Author Biography

João Paulo Fernandes, Instituto Federal da Paraíba

Doutor em Letras pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Professor no Curso de Letras – Língua Portuguesa, no Instituto Federal da Paraíba. ORCID


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