Ecos do claro-escuro: possibilities between brazilian black literature and experimentation with artistic images



imagination, literature, image, experimentation, Gestalt


This article intends to present the route taken by the project Ecos do Claro-Escuro carried out at the Instituto Federal Catarinense, campus São Bento do Sul. Organized from the dynamics of integrated actions that were planned to articulate teaching, research and extension, the project was proposed with the aim of developing activities linked to Brazilian black literature and in arts. The meetings were held to analyze and create new interpretations and sensibilities based on the experiences of the participants themselves connected to a theoretical and practical context. About the themes of the meetings the chosen authors were: Conceição Evaristo, Solano Trindade, Ricardo Aleixo e Éle Semog. As theoretical premises, the debate was mediated by the notion of imagination in Bachelard together with the elements that allow a visual reading of forms, with the Gestalt theorie on the concepts of unity, contrast, balance, pregnancy of form, among others. Related to the Brazilian black literature the authors used were Luiz Silva and Conceição Evaristo. About the range and results of the project, some print material and an app were elaborated to publicize those literary texts, a selection of articles which debate and present the works of those four Brazilian black authors as well as to promote the project on the internet and to the external community.


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Author Biography

Leandro Machnicki Altaniel, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Servidor do Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus São Bento do Sul.

Doutorando em Filosofia na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná


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