EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY: outcomes / snares in the adventure of (in)forming man - a credible discussion?
Discusses the nexus education - technology, emphasising the role of the teacher and the librarian reflections the positivity of the relation science and production stressing the concept of "omnilatirality" as a possible way out for thinking about the user of information who, in current Brazilian society, is faced with the fetishion of scientific and technological culture and its complex and sophisticad mechanisme of operationalization. Proposes education and information as historic task to be ambraced by professionals working in the field of information.Downloads
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How to Cite
Aquino, M. de A. (1995). EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY: outcomes / snares in the adventure of (in)forming man - a credible discussion?. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 5(1). Retrieved from
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