Bibliotec IInd: The librarian acting as a mediator on a Distance Learning Program which leads to people inclusion in social, educational and digital matter.
Distance learning method, Library’s professional. Virtual-learning environment, Collaborative Learning.Abstract
This stresses the importance of a collaborative learning method utilized in a computer-mediated learning environment. It points out the Library II course, organized and offered by the FABICO’s/UFRGS’ Information Science Department, focusing its objective to the public and private libraries and library academic course for students from different parts of Brazil as well. It emphasizes the education and digital, professional and social inclusion of people with special education needs (PEENs) and the library graduated professional as educator and mediator acting together with teachers and students in the use of collaboration and cooperation method and its accessibility in virtual-learning environments (VLE) among others relevant themes previously discussed and deeply analysed by the participants.Downloads
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How to Cite
Estabel, L. B., Moro, E. L. da S., & Santarosa, L. M. C. (2007). Bibliotec IInd: The librarian acting as a mediator on a Distance Learning Program which leads to people inclusion in social, educational and digital matter. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 16(2). Retrieved from
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