PROFISSIONAL (IN)FORMATION : needs and perspectives of undergraduate students in Library Science/UFPB, at the end of their course


  • Luciana Ferreira da Costa
  • Francisca Arruda Ramalho
  • Alan Curcino Pedreira da Silva


Starting of historical analisys of the Library Sciense Graduation Course (Federal University of Paraiba - Brazil), this paper intends to provide a better understanding of the Library Science as an occupation in qualitative change in contemporary society. The analisys is realized by perspective of the students in conclusion process of the course in 2002.1, as information users, in the academic context and in the of student and pre-profissional activities context concomitantly. Final results point to our construction of the Professional (In)Formation concept.


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How to Cite

Costa, L. F. da, Ramalho, F. A., & Silva, A. C. P. da. (2003). PROFISSIONAL (IN)FORMATION : needs and perspectives of undergraduate students in Library Science/UFPB, at the end of their course. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 13(2). Retrieved from



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