For a Local History: Experience reports in teacher education in History


  • Luciana Meire Gomes Reges Universidade Federal do Ceará



Local History, History teaching, Experience reports


This study has as its locus the discipline of Supervised Internship II – Heritage Educational Action, from the History Degree course, and the links it has with Local History. The objective is to analyze the mechanisms that intertwine theory and practice in the approach of Local History, through the problematization of the experience reports of Professor Gustavo D'Almeida Lobo (Department of History – Fafidam / UECE), whose methodological motto is the time frame between the years 2010 and 2020, a period in which the teacher carried out educational activities in higher education. For this, it is considered basic to constitute analyzes on the relationship between practice and theory, making it possible to construct analyzes on Local History as a challenging proposal for the Teaching of History. The reports of a dean of experiences make it possible to perceive to what extent the place is related to other historical experiences, which may be local and / or macro. And so, making connections between historical knowledge (Written History) and everyday life (Experienced History). Therefore, it is worth stating that the teaching experience enables a rich scenario of reflection and debate, in which theory and practice are inseparable mechanisms of teaching.


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Author Biography

Luciana Meire Gomes Reges, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Doutoranda em História Social pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), mestre em História Social pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), especialista em Teoria, Metodologia e Ensino pelo Instituto Federal do Ceará e em História e Cultura Afrobrasileira pela Faculdade de Selvíria (FAS). Email:


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How to Cite

REGES, L. M. G. For a Local History: Experience reports in teacher education in History. Saeculum, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 45 (jul./dez.), p. 305–315, 2021. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2021v26n45.58852. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jan. 2025.