The situacionist concept of culture
Culture, Guy Debord, play, Situationist International and spectacle., Culture, Guy Debord, play, Situationist International, spectacleAbstract
This paper aims to present and discuss Guy Debord and the Situationists' conception of culture. In doing so, it is necessary to clear up a few misconceptions from the outset: contrary to appearances, they do not advocate an anti-cultural attitude. Contrariwise, we are at the antipodes of “Neo‑primitivism". When Debord asserts his rejection of contemporary “Neo‑primitivism”, this is akin, in Schillerian language, to rejecting the position of the “savage”, as depicted by Rousseau in his canonical romantic portrait. In the same language, we should also say that Debord rejects the opposite position, that of the "barbarian", who destroys life and sensibility in favour of abstractions.
As indicações bibliográficas que o texto contém dizem respeito à data da edição original. Nem sempre tivemos, todavia, a possibilidade de recorrer às edições originais. Nesse caso, a paginação remete o leitor para as edições que constam deste acervo bibliográfico.
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