Women’s health and the New Booklet for pregnant women: a stage for interactions and disputes in the implementation of public policies on/in the woman’s body


  • Vitória Duarte Wingert FEEVALE\UFSM\IFSUL
  • Miss Universidade Feevale




women's health, body and gender, humanization of birth, maternity


A great stage of tensions and disputes has been taking place since the extinction of the public policy of Rede Cegonha (2011), which occurred in April 2022, and the implementation of its substitute, the Rede de Assistência Materno Infantil (RAMI). The first measure taken by RAMI was the launch of a New Pregnancy Handbook, in May 2022, a document considered worrying and retrograde for researchers and health professionals who are concerned with humanized care. The objective of this study was focused on analyzing whether or not the Nova Caderneta is aligned with one of the main pillars of health, which is the humanization of birth from the perspective of female protagonism. For this, the analysis of the old (2011) and the new booklet (2022) was carried out, seeking to understand the characteristics and specificities of each one. We also resorted to netnography to understand the interactions carried out on the social network Instagram, by professionals and researchers in the health area who were against the implementation of RAMI and Nova Caderneta. Data from the booklets were triangulated based on documents from the Ministry of Health and international bodies that should be taken as a parameter in the creation of these policies. Authors who reflect on the sociology of the body and corporeality were used in order to understand the social conceptions of pregnant bodies and their relationship with health. The results indicated that the Nova Caderneta is not aligned with the pillars of humanized assistance, taking away the female role and the right of women to be protagonists of their health and well-being. Furthermore, it disseminates and encourages obstetric practices, which used to be routine, but which are currently without any scientific evidence. Hence the importance of thinking about the implementation of public policies that respect the diversity and multiplicity of bodies and are inclusive.


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Author Biographies

Vitória Duarte Wingert, FEEVALE\UFSM\IFSUL

Historiadora formada pela Universidade FEEVALE (2016). Especialista em Literatura Infantojuvenil (FISIG)e Especializanda em: Ensino de Filosofia para Ensino Médio pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) e Mídias na Educação pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-rio-grandense(IFSUL). Mestranda do PPG de Processos e Manifestações Culturais da Universidade Feevale, sendo que foi aprovada em primeiro lugar no processo seletivo. Atualmente é professora concursada na Rede Municipal de Campo Bom. Atua pesquisando principalmente os seguintes temas: o ensino de História, cinema e ensino, e práticas docentes inovadoras.

Miss, Universidade Feevale

She has a doctorate and a master's degree in Production Engineering with an emphasis on Ergonomics (UFRGS). She specialized in Health and Work (UFRGS/CEDOP), graduated in Physiotherapy at Universidade Feevale (1997). She is currently a professor/researcher and in the Program (Doctorate and Masters) in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion at Feevale University. She is editor-in-chief of the Knowledge Online Magazine, linked to the PPG Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion, at Feevale University. He is leader of the Design Research Group at Feevale University. She is an ad hoc evaluator of CYTED (Programa Iberoamericano De Ciencia Y Tecnologia para el Desarollo). She is the director of Qualivida Consultoria em Saúde Ltda. that provides services in ergonomics and quality of life at work. Member of the Board of ABERGO (Brazilian Association of Ergonomics). She coordinated the Ergonomics Technical Group at ABICALÇADOS. She is certified as an ergonomist in the Senior category by ABERGO. She is a director at FIERGS and participates in the Working Environment Study Group - GEAT/CONTRAB - FIERGS. He has professional and academic experience in the area of ​​Production Engineering with an emphasis on Ergonomics, working mainly on the following topics: ergonomics, Inclusion of people with disabilities at work, assistive technologies, work process and organization, health and safety management and quality of life at work. It works with a team of design researchers in the projection and prospection of inclusive design products and Assistive Technologies for people with disabilities, bedridden and elderly people.



How to Cite

DUARTE WINGERT, V.; SIDEGUM RENNER, J. Women’s health and the New Booklet for pregnant women: a stage for interactions and disputes in the implementation of public policies on/in the woman’s body. Revista Ártemis, [S. l.], v. 36, n. 1, p. 188–203, 2023. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1807-8214.2023v36n1.66581. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/artemis/article/view/66581. Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.