Game creation as transmedia strategy of the television series "Supermax”
This article aims to discuss the processes of creation of the game inspired by the television series Supermax (Globo, 2016). The intention is to highlight and reflect on the process of creating the game and the dialogues between the producers of the series and non-professional creators, in order to understand the levels of involvement of the viewer. Initially, we discuss the theories of Jenkins (2006) on transmedia storytelling in order to identify how such concepts were applied in the process of creation of the game. After describing the television series and its multiple contents, we analyze the evolution of the audience on Globo Play (Globo’s platform of VoD) digital plaform, as well as the number of ‘likes’ and comments posted by users. The results show that although there has been an effort from Globo to produce a variety of content expanding the universe of the series, the little engagement of the viewer shows an experiment still on growing, although this does not disqualify the acceptance of the game by a significant number of users.
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