In the In the minds of voters:

synapses between consumption neuroscience and electoral communication


  • Hertz Wendel de Camargo Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)
  • Letícia Salem Herrmann Lima Universidade Federal do Paraná



Neuroscience, Consumption, Electoral campaign, Eye Tracking


Electoral communication can be analyzed from the perspective of Consumer Neuroscience, as it involves synaptic reactions with clear effects on voters' attention, interest, emotion, and memory. Today, politics tends to create new paradigms in relation to the candidates' perception, developing a new field of scientific performance in electoral research. Thus, the article addresses the possibilities of applying neuroscientific methods in electoral campaigns based on the exemplary use of Eye Tracking (eye monitoring) in the 2020 campaign of the candidate elected to the Araucária (PR) city hall. This is a study on another facet of electoral communication that, in addition to quantitative and qualitative research, can resize its strategies based on reactions of the nervous system and human physiology.


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Author Biographies

Hertz Wendel de Camargo, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)

PhD in Language Studies (UEL), Master in Education, Knowledge, Language, and Art (Unicamp). Professor in the graduate program in Communication, and in the undergraduate program in Publicity and Advertising at UFPR. Coordinator of SINAPSE - Laboratory of Consumption, Creation and Culture at UFPR. Member of the research groups ECCOS – Research in Communication, Consumption and Society.

Letícia Salem Herrmann Lima , Universidade Federal do Paraná

Master’s degree, PhD, and postdoc in Communications and Languages (UTP), graduate certificate degree in marketing ( PUCPR), and bachelor’s degrees in Advertising and Publicity (UTP) and in Public Relations (PUCPR). Department coordinator and professor of Institutional Communication at UFPR. Researcher in consumer science, neurocommunication, and media. Member of the research groups ECCOS and PRACCOM.


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How to Cite

CAMARGO, H. W. de; SALEM HERRMANN LIMA , L. In the In the minds of voters: : synapses between consumption neuroscience and electoral communication. Culturas Midiáticas, [S. l.], v. 14, p. 24, 2021. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2763-9398.2021v14n.59007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.