Disinformation and politics in the contemporary digital public-political debate
Case analysis and reflections
desinformação, política, espaço público digital, infodemiasAbstract
The advance of digital society contributes to multiplying the expansion of populism and disinformation. In this context, the so-called "post-truth" emerges as one of the main frameworks of thought and distortion to foster the advance of fake news. This article aims to contribute to the debate and academic reflection on this issue by describing three cases of disinformation linked to the public-political debate in Spain. The study of these cases allows us to advance in the reflection on some of the most effective measures against disinformation in an area in which media literacy continues to be one of the main antidotes against disinformation, together with the fact-checking actions of different organisations and institutions, both inside and outside the media sphere.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ainara Larrondo Ureta, Eva María Ferreras Rodríguez, Julen Orbegozo Terradillos
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